again to all the fans that came to the
12th Annual Cadillac Bob Christmas Extravaganza
with the Rhinestones and the Planets.
It was another great show!
This was the last Planets show for a while.
However, keep an eye on this web site for upcoming
announcements on the release of the Planets album on CD
as well as the availability of posters and other Planets
Joe Don Davidson Memorial Planets Reunion Concert
at the Cactus Theater - Lubbock, Texas - May 17, 2009
Original Planets members
Steve Morelock, Denise Brissey,
Debbie Blakley, Danny Raines & Davis McLarty
and the newest members, Justyn Davidson and Mark Paden
Very Special thanks to
Terry Allen, Rev. Al and the Pythons, Electric Gypsies, The Lubbock
Texas Rhythm Machine and special guests; Lesley Sawyer,
Jeff McCreight, Donnie Allison, John Sprott and especially, Don Caldwell
and all the friends and fans of Joe Don Davidson.
Concert Photos
HERE! Concert
Videos HERE!